
Friday, October 16, 2015

Mark Andrew Baron: An Interview

Happy Wednesday!

The last three days I was busy knee deep with my blog and of course hanging out with my friends and co-workers, so today's Interview  is made in response to a popular clamor and not to be ignored - the usual public vote. I think you'll indulge me this once when you see who I've chosen the Best Man to kick off our week.)

Mark Andrew Baron is a quadruple threat... a hunk, pageant candidate, a stunning male model and hold your breath .... he's the Philippine rep to Mr. Real Universe 2015 which will be held in Guayaquil Ecuador on October 4-17, 2015 . Today we celebrate him with an exclusive interview, and a gallery of his Facebook Selfies and Goodies.

If you want, you can follow/like him everywhere... FacebookTwitterInstagramTumblr. He's sugar and spice and all things nice ... as he is handsome - so check out our Q&A below!

Fast Facts About Mark Andrew Baron a. Name: Mark Andrew Baron b. Nickname: Baron, c. Age: 21 years old d. Height: 5' 11" e. Weight: 130 lbs f. Work/Occupation: High School Social Studies teacher g. Hobbies: Playing basketball & going to gym. h. Province/City: Navotas i. Pageants Joined: Mr. Real Universe 2015, Mister United Continents Philippines 2015, Misters of the Philippines 2014, j: Awards Won: Mr. Real Universe-Philippines 2015, Misters of the Philippines 2014-Top 9

Question 1.What is your favorite movie? 
Answer: I make sure I go out once in a while to check what ticks ... and what clicks. It would be a "downer" if a group of teachers or students in my school discussed how good a movie was and I don't have anything to say because I haven't seen them. There is no particular movie that I like but I enjoy every genre.
Question 2. What color best represent your personality and why? 
Answer: The color blue is the color of the sky and the sea. It has a calming effect for me, and it is easy to mix & match. As a teacher, I am easy to get along with.

Question 3. What makes a complete happy family to you?
Answer: A happy family is one where parents and children show their affection to each other without shame and limits.They reassured their love by way of words and cuddles. It is God- centered and the mother and the father are seen as pillars of strength.
Question 4. What do you think are your strength and weaknesses? 
Answer: I am determined and focused. I don't entertain any negative thoughts so I don't want to ponder on my weaknesses.

Question 5. Do you have previous pageant experience?  
Answer: I joined numerous pageants before. And thanks to them ... they have given me adequate pageant experience and exposures to make me a better if not the best rep to Mr. Real Universe 2015.

Question 6. What do you expect to gain by competing in pageantry?  
Answer: I want to develop my personality further and spread across the message of my advocacy which is Education to our youth.

Question 7. How have you prepared yourself for this pageant?  
Answer: Lots of diet and gym for my physique. I also study a little Spanish so that I won't get lost in translation. LOL

Question 8: What will you do if you are surrounded by Latinos, Asian and European candidates who don't speak English and communication becomes an obvious problem?
Answer: For as long as I can relay my message to them, I don't think it will be a hindrance. But if push comes to shove ... the last resort is the sign language . Hahaha! That comes very handy!

Question 9: Is this your first time going abroad?
Answer: Yes it is. I have to admit I have lots of trepidation ... feelings of fear that something may go wrong. This trip has lots of stop-overs, first there is Korea and then second New York where I have to stay for 10 hours waiting for my flight to Guayaquil. I did my homework though as I made research about what to do in airports in Korea and America. And with Facebook I was able to make friends and chat with fellow candidates. My constant communication with them taught me a lot. It doused off the embers of unease and apprehension fueled by the fact that it is "my first time".

Question 10. Do you have a girlfriend? What does she think about you competing in pageants?  
Answer: Yes I have and she is very supportive of me joining this pageant. She is a morale booster, a friend, adviser, and a cheer leader all rolled into one.

Question 11. Do your students know that you are leaving soon to compete at Mr. Real Universe in Guayaquil?
Answer: I don't think so. I decided not to. For one I don't want them to Google and search
for my swimwear photos ... hahaha. But it is just a matter of time ... and they will find out.

Question 12. Any students flirting with you?
Answer: Hahaha ... I can't believe you will ask that. Frankly ... nobody did. But I notice some of them are giggling once I am around. We don't need a rocket scientist to know what that means.

Question 13. What do you think about pageant fans who move heaven and earth to be close to you? 
Answer: I heard about that, and there are some who even went to the extent of stalking the candidates they like. Fans tagging along and making themselves regular fixtures where ever I go is just fine for as long as he/she knows his/her limitations and boundaries.

Question 14. Do you value your privacy? 
Answer: Yes of course. Privacy in simple terms is our "right to be left alone". It is a fundamental right, and I don't fell comfortable when one nosed around and interfere with my private and intimate life.

Question15. What do you think about pageant bashing? 
Answer. It is the ugly part of the competition. I really wondered how one spend a lot of his energies about ripping the candidate apart, when he or she doesn't even know the guy. Candidates join the pageant with all the good reasons, but that doesn't give the fans the license to tear down, ridicule and criticize them. The way I look at it it is tantamount to cyber bullying.

Question 16. Why do you think fans resort to bashing? 
Answer: They probably want to give the other contestant the better edge by bashing the toughest competitor. Or they maybe are somebody you know who can't handle the fact that you are joining a pageant and is jealous how far you have achieve and their lives is going nowhere.
Question 17. Are you in Facebook? Do you have concerns about private information potentially affecting you negatively in the future.
Answer. I am doing my damned best that will not happen. I am very careful about my internet transactions, and I don't give my personal informations to anybody I don't know. Facebook should maintain the security and privacy of each of its members their utmost responsibilty, but at this day and age ... anything can happen.

Question 18 What are your views on sexual harassment in pageant competetions?  
Answer: That exist anywhere. whether you allow it to happen to you is one thing. You have other options not to be harassed and you can turn it down politely.

Question 19. Do you think the culture of Philippine pageantry being obssessed with youth and beauty can be changed?  
Answer: I think this has been deeply rooted in our culture. Our appreciation of what is good and what is beautiful is there and we just have to learn how to live with it. I, being a molato have had a hard time winning in a pageant but I persevered and luckily, I was chosen to represent our country for Mr. Real Universe 2015.

Question 20. What advice would you give a friend entering a Pageant?  
Answer: Just keep on trying. If you don't win it this time ... there's always another contest to join. Another advise would be "Honesty to oneself" You have to assess yourself and see your chances if a possible WIN is in the horizon. If the answer is NO ... then I will advise him to look in a different direction.

Question 21. Misconceptions have it that pageants are always fixed. What will you tell to the person who share the same belief?  
Answer: There are pageants like that and that is part of the game. Choose the right organizer and contest that you are joining.

Question 22. Why is it that people who are attractive tend to be successful? 
Answer: That is a misconception. I knew a lot of successful professionals and they have a face only their mother will love. I still think a person will still have to do his part and exert effort to be successful.

Question 23. What is your last message to you supporters before going to Ecuador?
Answer: Before I leave and compete at Mr. Real Universe 2015 (October 4-17, 2015), I would like to acknowledge and thank Mr. United Continent Philippines for the hard work and continuing support, to my fans and supporters who are with me thru thick and thin, to my parents and siblings and love ones ... "you will be my inspiration". 

I have a Herculean task ahead of me ... and I could not accomplish this without you. Please continue to support me and needless to say I also need your prayers. I don't want to promise anything ... but I will do my BEST.

By the way don't forget to vote for me. The link is:

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