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Monday, August 17, 2015

JM dela Cruz: Hardwork and Determination Is the Key to Success!

The candidates of Misters 2015 The Pageant are facing a whirlwind of activities in the next three weeks and as one candidate enthused he compared himself to a chicken without a head as call slips came one after another: Gym training here ... and TV appearances there. Photo shoot here ... and ambushed interview there. 

Talking about interviews, it seems like anybody can just conduct an impromptu and unscripted interview to the candidates ...  and more often than not, the questions used are the same old, tired and overused interview-formula of the '50's who don't challenge the brain cells of the candidates - flat and flaccid coloring height and no depth , just the same old routine questions. Nothing really big that will shock the whole pageantopolis. So what else is new?  The candidates were asked worn out and outdated questions and the candidates answered them with nonchalant shrug and dismiss the question with tepid and insincere responses. Questions like "Why did you join the pageant and what do you think are your chances?"  abounds ... so cliche-answers like: "I joined because I want to help my family ... ad nauseam " were said repeatedly in an almost irreverent and profane timbre ... it invites derision and mockery. 

The candidates were inundated with  questions which were worded and dressed differently (if you are short-sighted you will think it is a different question) but if you put the questions under a microscope slide ... the thought bore similar intent and content. And the candidates fall prey to it. Can you imagine the candidates giving two different answer to one question given in two interview settings?. Talking about being consistent!

In the midst of the current interview merry-go-round ... there is one candidate that is consistently CONSISTENT with his answers to questions why he joined the contest. This candidate is: JM de la Cruz from Ilocos Norte. He has no qualms about  his answers, and when asked why he joined the contest he was too honest to say he wants to augment his fathers income and that he wants to help his mom who was sick right now. Give this question to another candidate ... with 80 percent probability the candidate will evade the question and will drop it like a hot potato. I know that for sure because it would be a BIG punch to the PRIDE ... something other candidates has in abundance with. Besides no one admits having financial struggles that easily. Not at this day and age when everybody lives in a world of make-believe.

JM  also admit that winning Misters 2015  and the formula getting the judges nod (and the prize money and the chance to compete in an international pageant abroad) is not sold in Rustan's or SM Store. He acknowledged that he has to work hard for it. Although it may seem difficult to reach the goal easily but given the chances the doors might start to open.

JM's motto in life is: " Lazy hands make a man poor ... but diligent hands bring wealth. "Hard work and determination doesn't  guarantee success, but it improves its chances," he added. Here is JM de la Cruz' interview.

Question 1: Introduce yourself. Who made the decision that you will join in this contest: Your manager ... your parents ... or yourself.
Answer: I am JM DELA CRUZ, 22 yrs old and I am representing Ilocos Norte for Misters 2015 The pageant. My manager encouraged me to join the pageant but I also want it too. I just need a gentle push .. hahaha. I made the decision to do this because this is a big event and I want to be a part of it. And if given the chance to win one of the titles, it will be an honor to represent our country in the international competition. What really influence me to join is my family. I did not come from a well-off family. I have 4 siblings who are still studying, my mother is sick and my father does not receive enough from his job. If I win ... it will be sweet, because I would be sharing them the money that I sweated for.

Question 2: What do you like most about yourself?
Answer: What I like most about myself is that I am very determined. When I want to accomplish something, I really put my whole heart and soul into it. I will stay focused despite the trials or challenges that come along my way. I am very dedicated and I hold on to my dreams. I do not let negative things drown what I want to achieve in life.

Question 3: What talent or skills do you have that makes you different from the rest of the candidate?
Answer: Honestly, I don't think I have special skills or talents that make me different from the other candidates. I can dance but I guess they can also do that. But what makes me distinct is my uniqueness. Nobody can be me. So that's it! I can go to farm and plant corn or rice... and they can't! Does that count??! Hahah!

Question 4: What is success to you?
Answer: Success for me is NOT measured by the big amount you have in your bank account and the material things you own nor the certificate of recognition posted on your wide wall. Success for me is contentment and true happiness that is felt from the heart. Also, success for me is having a happy family.

Question 5: What sacrifices did you make joining this pageant?
Answer: Sacrifices! Oh I had lots of that... (even before joining Mister Ilocandia where I was declared the winner)... and it's mainly MONEY problems. I had to ask help from my friends to assist me with my clothes and attire because looking good is a MUST in this side of town. Indeed staying FRESH and maintaining a spic and span and immaculately clean image (especially when you are with the other candidates and the production staff ) is a daily struggle in Manila, and that's what I get with commuting - the sun, the rain and the dust from smoke belching vehicles.  I really hate waiting in the flood of commuters in the trains ... besides it is sardines-packed. And you always have to play "patintero" with the buses and the jeepneys.

I also have invested a lot of time going to the gym to improve my physique. I was forced to give up my job as paralegal staff in a law office because I felt I was already neglecting them so I can stay focus for the competition. In Manila, I had to ask my friends working here to accommodate me since it's quite expensive to pay the rent. Another problem I encountered was that I am not familiar with the places here. I can easily get lost in this high rise jungle. It's good there are well meaning friends who are generous with their time and they have volunteered to accompany me to practice and tagged along in my appointments. The whole process was tiring and tedious, the traffic is shockingly dreadful... but I know it's all part of the journey. I just have to stay positive.

Question 6: Who would you want to convince that you deserved a WIN in this pageant: The Board of Judges ... or the audience?
Answer:  Can I say both? I want to convince both the judges and the audience that I deserve to win. The judges definitely will determine the winners and so I want to give them a good first impression. I want to represent our country in the international competetion and if I win ... it will open opportunities for me and in the process I help my family. I also want to convince the audience of my WIN because they will eventually become my supporters (thru thick and thin, come hell or high water) in my next endeavors. I want the audience to be proud of me.

Question 7: How do you see yourself ten years from now?
Answer:  Ten years from now, I see my self as a happy husband and father. I will be 32 by then. I also see myself having a good career (no matter where God would bring me) and I see myself a much responsible citizen by helping and inspiring others to the best of my ability.

Acknowlegement: Thanks to: Macky Balisacan (Producer of Mister Ilocandia and Mentor of JM) for facilitating this interview and REDPHOTOWORX for the beautiful pictures.

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Good Reasons Why You Will Love Man Central More!

Starting this New Year, you will see a lot of changes and interesting ideas you will only see in Man Central. All these where planned and concocted to give our readers satisfaction everytime they logged in to our blog. Our archives is teeming with excellent gimmicks and mouth-watering photos ... by the time you knew it ... you're hooked! Please check out these archives which are found on the right side of the blog.
1. Pageant Finals- history lovers will love this site. If you want to check out the winner of a certain pageant in what year ... including the runner ups ... all you do is click it ... and voila you get the information. (This site is underconstruction and we are adding an entry when materials comes up to make the archives complete). We also tried to arrange the entries chronologically to make it easy for everyone)
2. Pageant Titleholders- this archives list down titleholders starting from way back when. We broke them down and narrowed them to: Pinoy Titleholders, Asian Titleholders, European Titleholders, White Titleholders, Black Titleholders and Midearstern Titleholders to make it accessible for you. (This site is also underconstruction)
3. Pageant Archives News- house down all Pageant Titleholders info be it Pinoy, Asian, European, White, Black, and Middleeastern. (The site is underconsturction so bear with us)
4. Pageant Candidates- if we have materials featuring the candidates of a certain pageant, we will showcase them in these site.
5. Men Are Like ... this site is a crazy venue comparing man with anything. Some entries were cynical and sarcastic but they were written as a farce with a lot of humor that guarantee a smile in your face. Entries are added once a week (every Saturday in America - Sunday In Asia)
6. Almost Nude Pageant Candidates- Pageant Candidates who have artistically nude photos will be featured here. These materials are rare so it is scheduled only once a week (every Wednesdays and will start first week of January) No frontals though ....
7. Almost Nude Models- and Almost Nude Actors - This is an alternate and this will be published when materials for Artistically Nude Pageant Candidates are not available. (only on Wednesdays and no frontals)
8.Pinoy Loveteams- in this archive you will see your favorite actors being paired to our lovely actresses in town. Also listed are the films they made together.
Thank you very much. Happy reading.

To All Candidates,Models, Actors, Talent Managers, and Pageant Organizers

The goal of MAN CENTRAL is to immortalize you and your participation in any local, national or international pageant or modelling competetion by using the best photographs you have in your term.
We don't claim ownership of your photos, we merely used them to make you look better as we placed you side by side with the world's best.
MAN CENTRAL is who's who in the pageant world who's who in the modeling world, who's who in the movie world. We don't want you to look mediocre so we search the net far and wide and we selected the best pictures of you or your candidates.
We want to sing hossana and alleluia to your name, and maybe ... place your legacy (your beautiful pictures) in this blog for everybody to see and for the next generation to look back to and cherish.
To pageant organizers and photographers... thank you for your support. If there are people we miss and there are people who needs to be credited, email the names to us, and we will gladly add the name next to the picture.
We are not getting anything from this. It is a labor of love! So let us continue supporting what is beautiful ... and who is the beautiful!


All images you see here were taken from the internet and are regarded as a public domain. In case of copyright infringement, please contact me and I will delete the images right away.
All visual content is copyright to its rightful owners.
Information in this blog may contain errors and inaccuracies. The site proprietors do not make warranty as to the correctness or reliability of the site's pronouncement.
My special thanks to Julio Rodriguez, Alberto Maneiro Restrepo and the staff of Belleza Venezolana, Mr. Venezuela and Mr. Handsome Venezuela. Also to Panama Talents and their websites, Misters of Puerto Rico, Mr. Singapore organization, and to all local pageant organizers in the Philippines
I also want to express my gratitude to my friend photographers and models at Multiply and Friendster for using the photos of the models. I want to mention Ash Castro, Dan Santos, Ian Felix Alquiros, Bubum Melgar,Vic Fabe, Glenn Peter Perez, UPH, RD Dantes, Sven Barretto, Vince Lopez, Andy Jutba, Darz Pobre, Dense Modesto, Earvin Aquino, RJ Nazareno,Jay errol Villadulid, Filbert Kung, Vil Ceredon, Zham Libunao, Jayd Ramos, Bleach N Stain, Allan Apungan, MJ Cachero, Lem Estiva, Brian Philip Galicia, Allan Apungan, Ted Manansala, Edwin Tan, Ahleks Fusilero, Caloicoy, Shokomori, Rein Antonio, Marvin Llanos Maning Ojie Paloma and Jay Javier.
Lastly to Mr. World Organization and Manhunt International and to all other blogs who were generous enough to let me use the images.
Thank you very much. And let us continue to support what is good ...and what is BEAUTIFUL!




Dan Santos Photography

Dan Santos Photography

Ian Felix Alquiros Photography

Ian Felix Alquiros Photography
this photographer wants the camera to bleed

Marvin Llanos Maning Photography

Marvin Llanos Maning Photography
the pix jumps out of the page

Ahleks Fusilero Photography

Ahleks Fusilero Photography
spontaneous and intellegent

Bubum Melgar's Photography

Bubum Melgar's Photography
the boy next door fantasy

Kit Sherwin Photography

Kit Sherwin Photography
The Fashion Photographer

JR Sala Photography

JR Sala Photography
cool as cucumber

Khalel Zantillian Photography

Khalel Zantillian Photography
the infectious smile ...

Ash Castro Photography

Ash Castro Photography
making colors a perfect harmony

Ardin Tuga Photography

Ardin Tuga Photography
domineering screen presence

Caloy Estanislao Photography

Caloy Estanislao Photography
the face that launched a thousand ships

ShokoMori Photography

ShokoMori Photography
just out of words ...

Chris Dela Cruz Photography

Chris Dela Cruz Photography
a visual experience

Filbert Kung Photography

Filbert Kung Photography
exquisite face ... flawless bod

RJ Nazareno Photography

RJ Nazareno Photography
adorably boyish

Darz Pobre Photography

Darz Pobre Photography
attractive and good natured demi-god.

Dense Modesto Photography

Dense Modesto Photography
wet and wild

Vic Fabe Photography

Vic Fabe Photography
sensual with a capital S.

CharlzXtian Gomez Photography

CharlzXtian Gomez Photography
showy and flamboyant

Apy Arevalo Photography

Apy Arevalo Photography
deep and penetrating stares ...

Andy Capinpin Photography

Andy Capinpin Photography
double vision

Lem Estiva Photography

Lem Estiva Photography
fresh and new technics

Vil Ceredon Photography

Vil Ceredon Photography
a photographer's marvel


Man Central 1 is a non-profit organization resurrected by people who love winners and BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE. Because of the little joys that we get from it, we burn our midnight candle and spent hours and hours in research, so we can come up with posts everyday and share the world the beautiful images of pageant candidates and their victories.
The new MAN CENTRAL 1 had made several changes. It is a sequel to what we started in Mancentral. But this time the scope becomes bigger as we feature models from around the world, actors and sports personalities too, men who occupies tv and movie screens, magazine covers, ramps and television commercials, music videos and all.
The new MAN CENTRAL 1 also is more daring and bolder. It will feature models, actors and pageant candidates in various stages of undress ... but we cautioned everybody including our Mancentral readers ... that all images will be done in good taste and to borrow a cliche ... will be done for the sake of art. Anything more than that and Man Central says NO.
Our goal here is to showcase the models and give them a little freedom to show-off ... and feed their ego. Maybe shed a clothes or two ... or expose a little skin here and there. But anything that borders on indecent and inappropriate exposures will not be tolerated. The models are here first to flaunt their bodies ... and secondly to wear beautiful clothes? To the prudes, this site is not for you. So you can switch channels right away ... the moment you see SKIN!
Let's give these models a little slack. And maybe more understanding about their work. By the way thanks to the HUNK OF THE WEEK and his PHOTOGRAPHERS and the people behind them for gracing our welcome pages.

JCX Photos

JCX Photos
the eyes have it

UPH Photography

UPH Photography
heaven sent

Nanivon Photos

Nanivon Photos
make up by nanivon

Kent Vitor Photography

Kent Vitor Photography
vitality ... vivacity

RD Dantes Photos

RD Dantes Photos
men next door

Glenn Peter Perez Photography

Glenn Peter Perez Photography
dripping with machismo oil!

Seven Barretto Photography

Seven Barretto Photography

Dustin Ibay Photography

Dustin Ibay Photography
he aint heavy ... he's my bro

Kirk Barbosa Photography

Kirk Barbosa Photography
a sexual dynamo ...

Ryan Sulit Photography

Ryan Sulit Photography
bald but beautiful

Rein Antonio Photography

Rein Antonio Photography
Rein-vented .... Rein-vigorated...

Jay Tan Photography

Jay Tan Photography

Zham Libunao Photography

Zham Libunao Photography
pouting lips ... anyone?

Jerol Villadolid Photography

Jerol Villadolid Photography
he brings intensity and chemistry to every pictorials

Ojie Paloma Photography

Ojie Paloma Photography
bold and sexy

Andy Jutba Photography

Andy Jutba Photography
black and white

Jayd Ramos Photography

Jayd Ramos Photography
the brains ... and the brawn!

Allan Apungan Photography

Allan Apungan Photography
pink and scarf can be sexy

MJ Cachero Photography

MJ Cachero Photography
adept and experienced

Foxx Gallo Photography

Foxx Gallo Photography
a few good men!

Chris Perez Photography

Chris Perez Photography
looking better than ever.

Brian Philip Galicia Photography

Brian Philip Galicia Photography
knock-out face ... sculpted bod

Raymond Cauilan Photography

Raymond Cauilan Photography
just taking it easy

Vince Lopez Photography

Vince Lopez Photography
tall... dark ... and then some!

About Me

Wretired writer, Malayang Free Thinker, Probing Blogger, Disenteng Dissenter, Tempered temperamental, Liberal-Conservative, Grammar and Syntax Police, Pageant Connoisseur, Hibiscus Collector