
Thursday, September 30, 2010

RIP: Matthew Schaefer

A Man Central reader has informed us that Supermodel Matthew Schaefer already died. Indeed his death was a big jolt to us (fans and believers) who only knew it by now. He was too young to die (he died of a sinus infection but his battle with cancer and his chemo therapy that weakened his immune system took his life in a rapid turn)
What is it that we remember when we thought of Mathew? As a supermodel, Matthew is well -loved. It made us realized he indeed lived his life wonderfully. He has touched a lot of our lives too, and for sure he has done a lot of good things here on earth, and he will do more in heaven.
To all his hordes of fans, this is not the moment for us to shed tears, but we should be thankful

we were given the chance to know a man named Mathhew. (Photo Credits: All photos are copyright to its rightful owners.

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