
Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Hideo Muraoka: In All His Glory!

Photo #1 Thanks to Hideo Muraoka and his websites
Photo # 2
Photo # 3

The last time we heard of Hideo Muraoka, (one of the four Brapanese model who commands higher fees and lots of modelling assignments in the Philippines ) is that he went back to Brazil for a short rest. While Akihiro, Fabio and Daniel had strike gold in Philippine movies, Hideo was left in the background ... waiting for his turn.
After recharging his batteries, Hideo is back ... let's just hope he is in a better form ... and in a fighting mood. Success will not happen to anyone .... lalo na at kung papatay-patay ito. We Love competetion, much more if it is a healthy one ... and especially when it is between friends.

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