
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Juan Garcia Postigo : In Swimwear

Photo #1 (Thanks to Juan Garcia Postigo and his websites)Photo # 2Photo # 3Photo # 4Photo # 5Photo #6Photo # 7
It's been several years now since Juan Garcia Postigo (Mr. Spain 2007) took the limelight when he won Mr. Wold 2007. Since the time he won I still have to see him in his underwear, or maybe model some branded undergears and we thought Mr. World was a contest but Julia Morley and her cohorts opted to let the guys wore the more traditional shorts ... my friends think these gorgeous men are even more conservative in more ways than one.
Unitil I saw these collection in one blog, my goodness the time has come for us to see thru Juan Garcia's bathroom and see how the ex Mr. World looks in his undies. This is a welcome event, and who ever pulled the idea shuld be commended and deserved a tap in the shoulder. And to Juan, you have nothing to fear ... you really look great ... promise!
Photo Credits: Punto Blanco

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