
Friday, April 9, 2004

Aung Ye Lin: Myanmar's Next Top Model!

Photo # 1 ( Thanks to Aung Ye Lwin and his websites)Photo #2Photo # 3Photo # 4Photo # 5Photo # 6Photo # 7Photo # 8Photo # 9Photo # 10
Isn't there some unwritten law that you are not allowed to combine the freshness of youth and a gorgeous face?

Because if there is ... Aung Ye Lin is definitely GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt! His appeal and charisma looks like it is sculpted from pure bronze, except even better because I am not sure pure bronze can be sculpted into something this exquisite.

He maybe is too young to be in a prime time, but Aung Ye Lin makes up for it with his good looks. And to Filipino psyche where youthful looks reign supreme, they will welcome Aung Ye Lin any time of the day in their fold. Aung Ye Lin is the next top model from Yangon Myanmar.
Photo Source:


  1. so smart! all photo look nice...

  2. so smart!.so cute face. All photo look nice.....

  3. we are trying to give our readers the best there is for every models.
