
Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Boy Next Door: by Steven Underhill

Name Of The Book: Boy Next Door
Photographer: Steven Underhill
Publisher: Bruno Gmunder Verlag
Format: Hardcover
Number of Pages: 104 pages
Language: English
Where to buy this book:
-from your nearby bookstore
-from the internet
-from and ebay
The Boy Next Door is reliving a fantasy that the man of your dreams is just a stone throw away- and that he is there waiting as you open your window, as you cross the street, and as you buy errand for mom.
Steven Underhill understands the demands of having this title as he photographed his models with his such brilliance that the men became never failed to illicit muffled admiration image per image ... page per page.
The models are "one-of-a-kind" ... a rara avis!

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