
Monday, June 28, 2004

Pageant Candidates: Circle of Ten 2009 1

Photo # 1-Luis HontiverosPhoto # 2-Michael DizonPhoto # 3-Myko OngPhoto # 4-Paolo Marco CantadaPhoto # 5-Raff MontesenesPhoto #6- Raphael GalvezPhoto #7- Redmond ZapantaPhoto #8-Sam MisonPhoto #9- Steven GatesPhoto # 10-Vince Estenso

For the nth time around Circle of Ten announces the male candidates of this years C of 10 derby.

What an impeccable bevy of young but promising heartthrobs ... and it looked like the judges will have a hard time finding the winner in this one. There will be a winner for sure and basing from the photos here, the judges will sweat it out ... promise!

Photo Credits:

-Robert Regala

-Carlos Antonio Creencia

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