
Tuesday, May 4, 2004

Adrian Montefalco: It Could Have Been His Night

Adrian Asor photo # 1 Thanks to Adrian Asor and his website. Photo credits to Vince Lopez Photography)
Adrian Asor photo # 8
Adrian Assor photo # 9 Adrian Asor photo # 10
Adrian Asor Photo # 11
Adrian Asor photo # 12
Adrian Asor photo # 14

It could have been the night for diminutive Adrian Asor now Adrian Montefalco in the Heatwave Bikini OPen, but the presence of Harry Laurel (the winner who became an overnight star via the indie movie Lalaki Sa Parola opposite Justin de Leon), did not allow it. Everybody was overshadowed by his winning, and never has a movie neophyte been given this kind of attention and fanfare. Adrian touted the candidate who would likely make it, was impressive and his dark moreno complexion,in the mold of Richard Gomez, and his preparation for the contest which paid off handsomely when he bagged the Best In physique award should have been capitalized. But with Harry Chua/Laurel drumbeaters who were indefatigable and who created a lot of media noise made Harry's star shine the brightest in the indie movies firmament. To my friend Adrian ... your time will come!Thanks to Adrian's Gentrip Barkada who supported him win or lose in this contest. Photo Credits: Vince Lopez. Adrian Asor

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