
Friday, December 24, 2004

Mikko Nummenmaa: Finland's Man Next Door

Photo # 1 (Thanks to Mikko Nummenmaa and his websites)Photo # 2Photo # 3Photo # 4Photo # 5Photo # 6Photo #7Photo # 8Mikko Nummenmaa's is Finland's bet to the Manhunt International 2000 which was held in Singapore. Finland has never advance to any final slot in any male contest and Mikko was quite relieved that he was in the semi-final list . The winner was Australia's Brett Wilson. Back in Finland after the contest, weheard that Mikko became connected with Unique Fitness. As reported he was the FAF personal trainer and a Kinesis Master Trainer in Helsinski. (Photo CDredits: All photos are ccopyright to its rightful owners.)

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