
Sunday, May 27, 2007

Denver Olivares: Ginoong Filipinas 2007

Denver Olivares photo # 1 ("Photo Credits: Vince Lopez Photography") Visit his site at

Denver Olivares photo # 2
Denver Olivares photo # 3
Denver olivares photo # 4 Denver Olivares photo # 5Denver olivares photo # 6
Denver Olivares photo # 7

Denver Olivares photo # 8
Denver Olivares photo # 9
Denver Olivares photo # 10
Denver olivares photo # 11
Denver Olivares photo # 12

2007 has been a wonderful year to Ginoong Filipinas. For one I saw the rebirth of GF right before my very eyes. It has it's ups and downs and this year, thanks heavens, GF is experiencing a renaiassance of sort. Thanks to the impeccable collection of candidates- the much needed blood transfusion to GF's otherwise anemic physical conditions. 

One of the candidate thats illicits a lot of oohs and aaahs is Denver Olivares, an exciting piece of manly specimen from Metrogate Tagaytay. He is swarthy but if you look at him his lard is dripping with nothing but The audience can attest to this as they swoon and drool everytime he appeared on stage. I asked one of them and he said: "If I am going to compare Denver with a 5 star hotel ... all I can say is that he is wall to wall carpeted!" Perfect observation I say especially if you refer back to the pictures in this page. Denver being a lawstudent needs a lot of focus and hardwork to succeed. But don't you ever think Denver doesn't know the meaning of fun. As a matter of fact he pamper and reward himself with these little "fun" at the end of the day with special friends ... of course! (Thanks UPH)

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